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A Personal Ambition: The Heart of Saberz Studios Entertainment

It has been my personal ambition to bring to existence something truly memorable for those seeking something out of the ordinary. This ambition stems from a sincere desire to create unique stories centered on lessons and values discovered in fictional settings with real-world applications in mind.

A Story for Everyone

Saberz Studios Entertainment is about all people on Earth. I believe that, regardless of our supposed differences, most of us have suffered or may currently be suffering in some way, seen or unseen.

Finding Light in Darkness

My personal life experience bore down on me daily, taunting me, edging me closer to no longer wanting to live. During my darkest times, I always found solace in different books, losing myself in their stories after certain occurrences. As I grew, I wanted to create fictional stories of my own. After a brief interaction with author Roland Smith in 8th grade, I decided that this is what I wanted to do. And that is what I will continue to do until all that is Saberz has been told. No longer burdened by the traumatizing events in my life, thanks in large part to God's love, Jesus' sacrifice, and the Holy Spirit's guidance throughout my life.

Imperfect Yet Passionate

Lastly, I am not a perfect person, far from it. The books written are conceptualized, captured, and edited by myself. If I miss a comma here or there, it is my hope you can grant me your forgiveness. My belief and deep reverence for God is the reason why I write. I hope my work is pleasing.

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